Guy Tremblay Headshot

Guy Tremblay



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Primary specialties

Insurance Medicine

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Clinical and academic career, Department of Medicine, Cardiology, Université Laval Interest in post-infarction rehabilitation, with clinical research.

Knowledge transfer: Hypertension Canada and continuing professional development committee, Canadian Cardiovascular Society… development of multiple programs to implement clinical practice guidelines.

Research in prevention and risk stratification: clinical and insurance.

Involvement in health services management: member and Chairman of the Board, CRSSS-Québec

Insurance and reinsurance: medical director Beneva, Optimum, CHUBB, etc. and member, president Insurance Physicians Association of Canada


  • Md, Université Laval 1971
  • Cardiology Royal College 1977
  • Cardiology, CSPQ 1978
  • Diplomat Board Insurance Medicine 1982

Languages Spoken

English, French


  • Université Laval, Institut de Cardiologie, Québec 1977
  • Diplomat Board Insurance Medicine, American Medical Association 1982

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