Nabil Irani


General Surgery

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Primary specialties

Digestive Surgery, Colorectal Laparoscopy

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In 1991, Dr. Irani graduated in General Medicine from the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Beirut, Lebanon. He also obtained his specialist diploma in General Surgery from the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Beirut in 1996.

Over the past 20 years, Dr. Nabil has developed an expertise in minor surgeries, digestive surgeries, minimally invasive surgeries, laparoscopic colorectal surgeries, breast pathologies and surgeries and varicose veins of the lower limbs.

He is a general surgeon at the Metro Medic clinic in downtown Montreal. He puts his expertise and wealth of medical knowledge to work for his patients.


Diploma, General Medecine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Beirut, 1991; Diploma, Specialist in General Surgery, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Beirut, 1996

Languages Spoken

English, French, Arabic


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