Philippe Estérez



Primary specialties

Family Medicine

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A man of many talents and passions, Dr. Estérez completed his medical studies in 1978 at the Université de Montréal with a family medicine internship and began his career as an emergency physician at Maisonneuve-Rosemont University Hospital (HMR). For several years, he worked in various health facilities in the public domain in Montreal, but also in rural Quebec (Charlevoix, Eastern Townships), where the needs are often great. His thirst for learning and his love of patients give him the experience of a varied medical practice, a very comprehensive general medicine including family medicine, obstetrics, hospital medicine and emergency wardens. His field of expertise also benefits from a practice in different sectors: emergency health (ambulances), psychiatric emergency (Albert Prévost pavilion), occupational medicine and prison medicine. Alongside these different activities, Dr. Estérez has always pursued a practice of family medicine. Available since 2003 as a private doctor for consultations at his office or at your home, Dr. Estérez is pleased to continue his medical practice by providing professional medical care services, the quality of which reflects his vast experience and personality.


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