The measurements are obtained using a portable device consisting of a cuff attached to your arm and connected to a monitor that is worn on your waist or on a shoulder strap.
Your blood pressure constantly changes throughout the day, depending on your activity and other factors. Results taken in a doctor’s office do not always reflect reality, and often tend to be higher due to “white coat syndrome”. ABPM provides a more reliable reading by measuring your average blood pressure under normal circumstances.
Your doctor may recommend ABPM to assess any of the following:
- Suspicion of early high blood pressure
- Assessing the effectiveness of high blood pressure treatment
- To ensure that you do not have low blood pressure.
At ELNA Medical, our expert cardiologists provide you with the best possible care.
What happens during an ABPM exam?
On the day of your appointment, the attending nurse will attach a cuff to your nondominant arm (i.e. if you are right-handed, the cuff will be placed on your left arm; if you are left-handed, it will be placed on your right arm). The cuff is connected to a recording device programmed to measure your pressure at 20-to-30-minute intervals during the day and every 60 minutes at night.
The device is inserted into a case and attached to your waist or placed on a shoulder strap. Once in place, the nurse let you know when to come back to the clinic and give you an event diary in which you should note the following:
- Bedtime, wake-up time, physical activity, nap time
- Times you eat, drink alcohol, drink tea/coffee/energy drinks
- Times you take your blood pressure medication, if applicable
- Any symptoms you may experience.
It is important to carry on with your normal routine while wearing the monitor. Please avoid showering or bathing, as this will damage the device. You may place the device at your side when sleeping.
Please note that when you feel the cuff inflate, be sure to let your arm hang down and stay still. The measurement is over once the cuff has completely deflated; at which time you can resume your normal activity.
Return of the device
Your ABPM will be removed by the attending nurse at the scheduled appointment time.
Results will be reviewed by a cardiologist and promptly forwarded to your referring physician.