Albert Benhaim Headshot

Albert Benhaim


Family Medicine

Primary specialties


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Dr. Albert Benhaim, who holds an MD from McGill University, has specialized in the field of esthetic medicine. With an early passion for medical advancements, he has devoted his efforts to developing cutting-edge expertise in non-invasive laser treatments. From the outset of his career, Dr. Benhaim has demonstrated a remarkable commitment to improving his patients’ quality of life. His relentless quest for perfection, led him to explore the possibilities offered by laser technologies, becoming a pioneer in the field of non-invasive esthetic medicine. His in-depth understanding of laser techniques and his ability to apply them in a personalized way make Dr. Benhaim a respected practitioner. His holistic approach to esthetic medicine revolves around the patient’s overall well-being, emphasizing natural beauty while avoiding invasive procedures. Dr. Benhaim remains a dedicated professional, dedicated to the constant evolution of his field of expertise, offering his patients innovative and safe solutions to their esthetic needs.


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